
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Fun Ruffle Scarf !

I love this scarf! It's fast and fun!!
Continue reading for my post; my crochet pattern is at the very bottom.

I finished a project!!! Wahoo!!! (my husband gets excited when that happens...) The inspiration for this scarf came from this pattern on the Lion Brand Yarn website this past winter. The first one I made I followed the pattern... I did all double crochets! I also used a less chunky yarn and a G hook (pretty sure it was a G hook). In any case, it worked but took WAY TOO LONG to make. Then I made another one for my sister-in-law and I decided to use the chunky yarn. MUCH BETTER!!!!

This purple one is for me and I decided to change it up a bit! I chained on a million... well, until it was as long as I wanted.

Be sure that your initial chain is 'fat'. In other words, don't make it too tight because then it's really hard to get that first row going! I think the first row is the most time consuming.

The 2nd row I decided to do 1DC, 2DC, 1DC, 2DC in each stitch. I think it fanned out rather nicely.

The third row I continued the same idea in order to make it ruffle. I did 1DC, 1DC, 2DC, 1DC, 1DC, 2DC, etc.

I was going to continue with the same idea and do a fourth row until I realized that I would run out of yarn. I pulled the fourth row out and looked at my scarf. It still needed something. I decided to do a scalloped edge using chain links.

All in all I'm happy how it turned out! I'll have to wait a month or so to wear it, but I guess that's better than having unfinished projects around!

Want to make one for yourself?
Here's the pattern!!!

2 skeins ~ Lion Brand Yarn, Hometown USA, Super bulky '6', 81 yards per skein
1 ~ N-13 9.0mm crochet hook

Ch 80-120 (depending on how long you want it)
{I chained 120 for my scarf and the scarf measures about 67 inches.

Row 1 ~ dc in each ch across (80-120)
Row 2 ~ ch 3, turn, * dc, 2 dc in next stitch; repeat from * across
Row 3 ~ ch 3, turn, * dc in each of the first two stitches, 2 dc in next stitch; repeat from * across
Row 4 ~ ch 3, turn, skip 1, sc in following stitch, *chain 3, skip 1, sc; repeat from * across
Fasten off and Done!

dc = double crochet
ch= chain

I would love to see your Ruffle scarf!

~this pattern was featured on Craft Gossip, One Pretty Thing & Confessions of a Stay at Home Mommy~


  1. Sew cute! I had fun at lunch today. We'll have to do it again.

  2. Thank you for sharing this! I love crocheting scarfs!

  3. Thanks for linking up to this week's Tuesday Confessional. :) You were featured, so grab a button and get your brag on!

  4. cool, I have some of the kind of yarn you used and have been wondering what to make with it

  5. Thanks for the pattern, I did this one today with two yarns - pink and white held together - and it came out so cute! Made for my 10 year old daughter, so I only did the 80 stitch one and it worked wonderfully. I'll post it on my blog when I get a chance!


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