
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Tissue Holders

How cute are these?!?!?!?!  Holly showed us how to make these at the CMQG retreat.  I LOVE THEM.  They are SO EASY.  You can find a good tutorial here at Sew Much 2 Luv.

Holly did a couple things differently than SM2L's tutorial...  She only used three pieces, and I think its fine for the inside of the tissue holder to be the wrong side of the fabric.  We also didn't zig zag the edges.

For the yellow/green/grey one on top I decided to overlap the flaps by 1/4" so it holds the tissue tighter.  I definitely like this better than leaving it without an overlap (orange one).  Both work great, so its just your personal preference.

Yay!!!  Pretty Tissues!

1 comment:

  1. Cute little tissue pouches - I think I need to make one for my purse!


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