
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Illini Zipper Pouch

My fabulous husband is a school teacher.  As a result we (he) gets TONS of Gift Cards.  They have been kept in many different places.... huge wicker basket, desk drawer, gift bag, etc...  In my efforts to get organized I told him I would make him a holder for his gift cards.  

It works beautifully!  I knew that he had many, many to store so I made the bag with bottom corners.  It works great!  Everything fits perfectly.  =)  

I found the fabric down in Urbana last summer.  We don't have have any nifty U of I stuff up here, just your basic patterns.  It was nice to find something different.
 That's all for now. 


  1. Where in Urbana did you get the fabric? I grew up in Mattoon and my parents still live there. I graduated from UI so I'd love to buy some of that fabric.

  2. Hi Barbara!
    I got the fabric at Sew Sassy in Urbana Illinois. They are in the Lincoln Mall. I bought it last summer. They had quite a variety so even if they don't have this specific print I'm sure they'll have something that you can use!
    Good luck!


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